Posted 28 June 2018
Interview by Indi Davies

Anoushka Rodda’s journey from designer to managing director: “I had no idea there were other roles”

What happens when you start out as a designer, but discover that the designing part of your job is the bit you least enjoy? In Anoushka Rodda’s case, this realisation led her to account management – in a role that was far better suited to her skill set, character and interests – before becoming the managing director of her own company. She shares her journey so far, and tips for others who might be looking for alternative roles in design.

Anoushka Rodda

Job Title

Managing Director, TEMPLO



Selected Clients

United Nations, Amnesty International, Plymouth College of Art, London School of Economics

Previous Employment

Associate Partner, NB (2014–2016)
Account Director, NB (2009–2014)
Account Manager, NB (2007–2009)
Account Executive, NB (2005–2007)
Designer, The Partners (2004–2005)


BA Graphic Design, Kingston University (2002–2005)


Social Media

Brought up in London, Anoushka graduated with a BA in graphics from Kingston university in 2005. Having completed a number of internships in the summer of her second year, she had already established industry contacts before she finished her degree.

Taking a job as a designer at agency The Partners straight out of college, Anoushka’s eyes were opened to an expanse of design-related roles she’d never heard of before. She soon found that the design part of her job wasn’t the bit that excited her most, as she became more interested in the strategic and client-facing side of the work.

“When I was studying I was like, ‘I am going to be a graphic designer’; I had no idea there were other roles.”

Joining renowned branding and communication studio NB as an account executive, Anouska stayed on at the company for nine years, progressing to account manager, account director and eventually associate partner by the time she was thirty. Then in 2013, she broke out on her own, setting up her own branding and digital design studio alongside partner Pali Palavathanan.

As managing director of TEMPLO, she tells us what her work looks like day to day, and why they are committing to working towards social good. We also hear about the most unexpected parts of her job, her advice on exploring alternative roles in design, and her thoughts on what makes for a rewarding internship.

The United Nations Syria mission 2015 C2 A9 TEMPLO autocompressfitresizeixlibphp 1 1 0max h2000max w3 D2000q80s3e6bed3fc4c400a5e2d90257d846ef3e

TEMPLO’s work for United Nations

Creative Journey logo 2016 C2 A9 TEMPLO autocompressfitresizeixlibphp 1 1 0max h2000max w3 D2000q80s138bd78ac10e3fac5e0a2923091a2cf9

TEMPLO’s work for The Sorrell Foundation

The Union logo animation 2017 C2 A9 TEMPLO autocompressfitresizeixlibphp 1 1 0max h2000max w3 D2000q80sfafddc46e041c7c7dab8dc53da609a8c

TEMPLO’s work for The Union

Stop Torture event with M I A 2014 C2 A9 TEMPLO autocompressfitresizeixlibphp 1 1 0max h2000max w3 D2000q80sd270e8e815617d8b09b578098954dbcb

TEMPLO’s work for Amnesty International

Brit ish E284 A2 initiative at Somerset House installation 2016 C2 A9 TEMPLO autocompressfitresizeixlibphp 1 1 0max h2000max w3 D2000q80s2798fbaf9bc58956bf7abaf2fac6bedf

TEMPLO’s work for Somerset House

Interview by Indi Davies
Mention Anoushka Rodda
Mention Templo
Mention Pali Palavathanan
Mention NB
Mention The Partners