
Advice, insight and first-hand accounts of creative career journeys, aimed at helping you find your way in the industry.


Ten best practices to protect your digital work and accounts

From VPNs to encrypted email providers, we share ways to keep your work and accounts safe
Creative Lives
Marley Starskey Butler’s multidisciplinary arts practice and social work are inseparable
Creative Lives
Art director Rema Kahsay on the inequality of her industry and being supported by community

12 affordable online creative learning platforms

To pick up anything from life drawing to UX design skills
Pep Talk
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Watch our Pep Talk with Wieden+Kennedy’s Freddy Taylor on getting into advertising
Creative Lives
Illustrator, artist and visual journalist: Ollie Cameron is a triple threat storyteller

11 access schemes and internships to get into advertising

Paid placements, immersive courses from industry giants and more
Creative Lives
Multidisciplinary designer Jenks In The Cut on making his clients shine
Creative Lives
Curator Pacheanne Anderson on challenging class, tokenism and neurotypical standards in the art world
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25½ ways to get things done, by KesselsKramer
Meet & Greet

Meet & Greet: July 2022

Thinking about getting into marketing and PR? Sign up for our new networking event!
Creative Lives
Lobster Theremin photographer and label assistant Alice Palm talks learning on the job
Creative Lives
Heidi and Halah El-Kholy on leaving toxic workplaces to set up Salt + Sister Studio
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Decoded: Should you be jumping on the NFT train?
Creative Lives
Boohoo graphic designer Naomi Rowaiye on how networking led to her fast-paced role in fashion
Creative Lives
DJ and creative producer Vanessa Maria on balancing creativity with mental health advocacy
Creative Lives
Cartoonist and illustrator Michael Kennedy is infusing the world of comics with Black stories
Pep Talk
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Watch our Pep Talk with Represent on landing your first job in the creative industry

12 platforms and programs to create presentations and decks

From design-friendly programs to collaborative virtual platforms
Creative Lives
AR designer and developer Balraj Bains on life after creating the first 3D neck tattoo effect
Creative Lives
UX designer Yan Shum on how she bagged her job at the BBC
Pep Talk
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Watch our Pep Talk as Voice’s Emily Drewry talks about all things NFTs
Portfolio Reviews

Portfolio Reviews: June 2022

Starting out in photography? Apply for our next portfolio review session

Feeling stuck? It’s time to start talking to yourself

The Guardian’s Chris Clarke shares his technique for creative problem-solving