Jojo Agbi

Strategy executive Jojo Agbi on the power of showing off your personality on your CV

by Creative Lives in Progress

Creative Lives

26th November 2024

A strategy executive for The Goat Agency, Jojo Agbi is the rare person who enjoys her commute to work – all because of the ads she gets to consume on the way. Graduating at the height of lockdowns in 2020, she made the most of the scant opportunities available by finding a mentor in the ad world and making connections through that link to the industry. A big advocate of letting your personality shine through in job applications, Jojo even showcased her film tastes in the CV that landed her her current role. Here, she shares some of her top tips, including how best to understand what a client wants and what to do when you’re stuck on a brief.

What I do

How would you describe what you do?
I develop insightful responses to various client briefs with my research skills, everyday knowledge and experience, and aim to develop impactful influencer-led campaigns. I also get to talk about stuff I’m very nerdy about, if I can!

What are the main influences and inspirations behind your work?
My colleagues and their work always inspire mine. I love to understand why I love a piece of content on social media, and why an ad works (or why it doesn’t).

I feel like consuming ads is the best way to do this. Of what you watch on social, screen record what you love and what you hate. Also, take photos of ads that make you stop in your tracks – this is why I love commuting to my London office!

Would you say you need any specific training for what you do?
What I love about advertising – specifically strategy – is that you don’t need training; instead, you need curiosity. It takes fearlessly asking questions and understanding what the client wants and uncovering what they need. I think passion in your interests is always a plus too – be a guru about the things you love because people may not know [much about it]! I’ve learnt from others and they (hopefully) learn from my interests!

What’s been your favourite project to work on from the past year, and why?
Great question! I’ve done work for really fun entertainment brands. I’ve recently finished work on a luxury menswear brand that was a fun industry to respond to, and uncovered a fun way to promote their clothing through social!

How I got here

What was your journey like when you were first starting out?
I finished my Bachelor’s degree in 2020 (great timing). I took on a few internships and thankfully was connected through my amazing mentor in the ad industry. Luckily, I managed to get a social media management job alongside my Master’s. After [graduating], I just applied for jobs through various platforms, including one for The Goat Agency – and landed the job!

Joanna's personal work imagining a Pot Noodle campaign

How did you go about landing your first few jobs, clients and/or commissions?
I mainly went through LinkedIn. My interview process at The Goat Agency was great – it felt very much like a conversation rather than anything formal!

Having a portfolio helped loads, it was a great way to show my personality beyond just the CV.

I recommend showing off your personality on your CV – I designed mine on Canva. I added my Letterboxd account [a social platform for films], and during the interview [with The Goat Agency] they mentioned it. Add things to your CV that make you unique.

“Show off your personality on your CV – add things to it that make you unique.”

What has been your biggest challenge along the way?
Finding and sharing my voice. This has been a big challenge, but spending time on my own portfolio really helped! Plus, working on a side project to share my voice more.

Joanna's recommendation – The Digital Fairy

How important are social media and self-promotion to your work?
I believe that having a space on social to showcase your work is a really wonderful thing – I’ve heard about success stories from my lecturers. Also, it’s a great space for creativity, and to celebrate your work and achievements!

What are a few things that you’ve found useful to your work or career, and why?
The Digital Fairy has been a favourite of mine, offering helpful insights in the world of social.

Internet Brunch is US-focused, but nonetheless a great way to find trending social content.

Have there been any courses, programmes, initiatives, access schemes or job boards you’ve found helpful or would recommend to get into your sector? Brixton Finishing School is a great place if you’d like to learn about advertising, and they have a job board, too. LMF Network is great for getting a mentor.

My advice

What’s the best career-related advice you’ve ever received?
If you’re sat stuck on a brief, don’t be afraid to grab a colleague and pick their brain – creativity requires us to learn from each other.

What advice would you give to someone looking to get into a similar role?
I’d say look at ads, and why they work or don’t work.

Secondly, engage in conversations, especially on LinkedIn.

Also, when you respond to a brief, share your thinking!

26th November 2024Creative Lives

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