Opportunities Board

Elevate your Business: The Magic of Healthy Productivity
Do it Now Now

Event Date: 17 Sep 2024
Type: Event
Based: London

Website: events.doitnownow.com
Instagram: @dinnhq

Who is this event for?

Black entrepreneurs, creatives and individuals

About the Event

Are you in a cycle of overwhelm with the pressures of productivity and work having an impact on your wellbeing? During this panel discussion, we will be exploring the topic of healthy productivity, what it means, what it looks like and how you can make your work - work for you. This discussion will empower you to transform the way you work, your mindset, and approach - helping you transform into a place of flow without feeling overwhelmed by pressure, deadlines, or tasks.

During this panel discussion, you will also have space to ask your questions to the guests.

You should join because...

This panel discussion will give you the opportunity to have open and honest conversations and gain insight from others who have experienced burnout and discovered techniques to enhance productivity.

You will gain:

  • Insight into what healthy productivity is, what it means and what it looks like
  • A new mindset and approach to positively impact your ways of working
  • Tools you can implement straight away to make work work for you
  • A safe space to hear others stories and not feel so alone in your own

The Specifics

Date: 17 September 2024

Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30pm

Location: Online via Zoom

How To Apply

Register here: https://airtable.com/app5KpS5kvUwHOh3E/shrXNDSGuTGOzY5Xp

If you have any more questions, please email [email protected]